Sports, clubs & recreation
Horsford Bowls Club
Enjoy a friendly game of bowls and drink at the clubhouse In a setting beside the woods on Sandy Lane. You would enjoy a healthy and very sociable sport.
In the winter there is short mat bowls in the club house. Just pop along and meet the members.
Membership enquiries for beginners or experienced players
Tel: 01603 891422 and speak with Malcolm Makins - Secretary
8 Warren Close, Horsford, Norwich NR10 3SU
Horsford Youth and Adult Football Club
Starting with the under 5’s going up to veterans the Horsford Football Club has 32 teams.
See the website
Also see Facebook Horsford Football Club
07540 753894
Or email
Horsford Cricket Club
The club is situated on Manor Park that is also home to the Norfolk Cricket Club. See their website that includes joining information and how to contact officials. , Also on Twitter
Various exercise classes
There are various exercise classes that use the village hall publishing their own details.
Main Play Park
As well as lots of play equipment there is a large enclosed multi sports area. Football pitches are at the back of the play equipment. Seating and picnic tables are available. There is also outside adults gym equipment at the side and rear of the play park. This is managed by the Village Hall Management Committee
Walking, jogging and cycling
Some routes have been included on the village map at the beginning of this publication.
See also where you will find an interactive map.
See the website www and find us on Facebook
All year round young people from Horsford and St Faiths enjoy scouting at the
Scout HQ at Bramley Lakes, Dog Lane, Horsford
1st Horsford & St Faiths (Sir Richard’s Own) Scout Group
Group Scout Leader
For new members
Scouts 10 ½ - 14 years
Meet on Thursdays between 7.00pm and 9.00pm email -
Cub Scouts 8 - 10 ½ years Meet on Tuesdays between 7.00pm and 8.30pm
Beaver Scouts 6 - 8 years Bramley Beavers meet on Wednesdays between 6.15pm and 7.30pm Email
First Horsford Rainbows
Rachelle Margitson
929935 or 0794085517 or Ragan Barrett 07766660500
Carole Smith.
01603 890657