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Puffin Crossing​
The Puffin Crossing project is well underway and there was a project meeting on 22 July when Highways outlined the following:
The proposed date for the work is 28/10-15/11 (the first week will be half term) but this will be confirmed shortly. This will allow for pavements, tactile pavements, kerbs and traffic lights to be put in place and complete resurfacing. The contractors required by Highways already had commitments for the summer holidays which were made before January 2024 when the project started. There is a great deal of work in pulling together a project like this and Highways have done a very good job so far taking account of the design work, traffic surveys being undertaken, identification of services available under the road surface to know what needs to
be provided to support the Puffin Crossing.
The junction will be closed for three days for the resurfacing work from 18:00-23:00. Not necessarily consecutive nights. Otherwise, traffic lights will be
controlling the traffic at the junction.
Street lighting will be changed. Currently four lights maintained by Horsford Parish Council. Six Highways specification streetlights will be provided.
A grass block paving area will be created against the wall of the surgery car park to allow off road parking for service vehicles in the event of a problem with the crossing.