Parish Councils have the right to make observations on all planning applications in their Parish. They are not part of the decision making process and are consulted by the planning authority to gain a local perspective on an application.
The planning authority is Broadland District Council (and on one or two specific applications, Norfolk County Council). They allow the Parish Council 21 days to make their response. This is done at the Parish Council meeting and will appear on the agenda. If there is not a meeting within 21 days the planning authority will usually give a short extension to avoid calling a special meeting.
Members of the public are always welcome to attend the Council meetings and are able to make their views known about a planning application before the meeting goes into formal session after which they are unable to make further comments.
All planning applications are published on the Broadland District Council website and may be located by selecting "Find a planning application or decision" Once in that area of the site you may search using the planning application number or the address of the property. Scrolling down to the bottom you will find "View related documents" and this is where all the details of the application including plans are located.
Residents are encouraged to make their own observations on an application directly to Broadland District Council which can be done on the site mentioned above.
If you have any difficulties please consult the Clerk
Horsford Planning Policy November 2020

Neighbourhood Plan
Neighbourhood legislation gave communities the power to develop a shared vision for their neighbourhood and shape the growth and development of their local area.
Once adopted, a Neighbourhood Plan is a legal document which the planning authority has to consider when determining a planning application although on occasions other factors may be taken into account which conflict with the plan.
In 2015 the Parish Council decided to consider the development of a neighbourhood plan and a steering group was formed made up of some councillors and some interested residents. Grants were applied for and a professional project manager was employed to give guidance and direction. Over the next two years a wide ranging consultation took place and the plan was published in draft form. The plan was scrutinised by Broadland DC and an independent examiner before being put to the residents in a referendum which approved it by a very large majority