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If you were unable to attend the Showcase event at the Village Hall on 23 November and would like to add your views to the policy ideas and topics please access the online version of the Showcase at


Please complete the questionnaire at the end so that we can add your thoughts and views to those completed on the day. However, if you have any additional questions or comments, please send them to us at 

The online version will be avaiable until 17.30 on Monday 9 December 2024.





Horsford Parish Council is saddened by the sudden passing of Andrew McClure. Andrew had been a member of Horsford Parish Council and the Business Action Plan Group for three years, both groups benefitted from his wisdom and knowledge. He was a quiet, thoughtful and kind man who was very generous with his time. He will be greatly missed. Our thoughts are with Andrew's family.




Transport for Norwich: consultation on proposals for an extension to the Yellow Pedalway on Holt Road (A140)

Norfolk County Council is asking for feedback on the proposed extension to one of Norwich’s cycle-friendly routes, known as the Yellow Pedalway.

The aim of this project is to improve facilities for those walking, wheeling (using wheelchairs or pushchairs) and cycling on the A140 Holt Road, between Amsterdam Way and the roundabout with the Broadland Northway (A1270). It also aims to increase the number of bus stops for people using public transport, while improving safety for all road users by reducing vehicle speeds on this major route.

The overall budget for this project is around £1.9m, with funding coming from the Greater Norwich Growth Boards Infrastructure Investment Fund, the Department for Transport’s Transforming Cities Fund and Norfolk County Councils Local Transport Plan.

If approved for construction following the consultation periods, we plan for work to start on site early next year.

The documents below detail exactly what we’re proposing and why and the accompanying plans show what the project could look like on the ground.

After reviewing the proposals below please answer the questions in the online survey here




Parish Council News


14th May 2024

This is an update on the Horsford Parish Council and NCC Highways project to replace the existing pedestrian crossing at the junction of Holt Road/Mill Lane with a pedestrian controlled crossing.


The coloured lines that have appeared around this junction indicate where underground utility services are positioned in readiness for the work to take place later this year. They do not indicate the position of the new crossing. Highways are conducting a safety audit before the exact location of the new crossing is confirmed. However, Highways have confirmed that they would not be installing a crossing in front of driveways.


The provision of this crossing is a priority for Horsford Parish Council and the Business Action Plan group, a working party of the Parish Council, are working with NCC Highways to make this happen and the project is progressing well. There is a lot of technical work that needs to happen before the actual installation can begin but all involved are doing their best to have everything ready for the work to be carried out in September.  


At their meeting on 2nd January the Parish Council set the Precept request from Broadland District Council. They resolved to keep the same sum as request last year which has resulted in a decrease of 2.79% to the Parish Council’s share of the Council Tax.


The Parish Council are aware of the dreadful accident which happened in December on the pedestrian crossing and we send our very best wishes for a speedy recovery. The Council has been in contact with the Police who are investigating the accident and will be working to create a data map for past incidents, no matter how small.  Parishioners should report any near misses to the Police online or on  101.


It is the highest priority of the Parish Council to get a project underway to replace the current pedestrian crossing with a pedestrian controlled crossing. Consultations for  this project will get underway immediately.


At present there is no waiting list for the allotments, if you wish to have an allotment please contact the Parish Council (details above) with you name, address, phone number and email address.  You must live in the parish to be eligible.







The Horsford News


The Horsford News is an independent publication entirely separate from the Parish Council. The current editor is Mrs.Lisa Starling  01603 891902


May 2022


January 2022


October 2021


August 2021


November 2020


July 2020


February 2020


November 2019


August 2019


May 2019


January 2019



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