Local leisure clubs & societies
We are very proud of the amount and variety of social activity in the village. Most of these groups are run by volunteers. As well as inviting new members they are often looking for help to ensure they can continue to flourish.
Knit Wits
Meet every third Thursday of the month at the Methodist Chapel from 1:30pm to 3:30pm. No meeting in December.
If you are interested to learn or just want to come along with some of your work you will be made very welcome. Contact Helen Paton 01603 898986


Church Room Coffee Morning
Coffee tea and scones are served every third Wednesday of the month meeting at the Church Room on the Holt Road at 10.00am. It is simply a place to meet and talk.
If you are new to the village (or not) you will be made welcome. If you have any questions contact Carol Makins on 01603 891422
Methodist Chapel Coffee Morning
At Horsford Methodist Chapel that is next to the village hall. Open for refreshments every Thursday morning the hours are suitable particularly for people dropping off children at school and simply for getting to meet one another. 8:45 - 12.
Horsford Players
We are an amateur drama group, who read, rehearse and perform plays at Horsford Village Hall. We meet most Thursdays from 7:30pm.
New members are always welcome to take part in any aspects of performance and or production.
For further information please contact Sandy Kerridge on 01603 927010 or
Email sandykerridge@hotmail.com
Facebook The Horsford Players

Horsford Social Club - for all ages, situated in the Village Hall
Derek email derekjacks76@tiscali.co.uk. Membership form available at the Social Club
Opening hours
Monday - Friday. 5pm to 11pm-
Saturday 2pm 11.30pm Sunday 12:00noon-11pm
Regular events take place such as:
Men’s darts on Monday evening
Poker night is Tuesday evening
Wednesday is ladies darts
Thursday is mens pool and
Second Friday in month is bingo. 8 pm
Saturday - Live bands Event details will appear on an A board outside the village hall and published in the Horsford News delivered quarterly free of charge. See the Horsford Social Club on Facebook also for forthcoming events. You can enjoy reasonably priced drinks in a modern clubroom. As well as draft beer the club ways have a choice of real ale
Memberships are currently £15. Simply ask for a membership form at the bar of you would like to join.
Contact Derek email derekjacks76@tiscali.co.uk.or Membership forms available at the Social Club

The Horsford Women’s Institute
The first Wednesday of the month the Horsford Women’s Institute meets at the Village Hall.
Usually a speaker is invited to talk on a variety of subjects. Fun days out and meals are arranged. The meeting starts at 2:30pm entering at the front door If you want to make new friends
Contact Penny Brunt 01603 897665.
Disabled toilets available. See Facebook Horsford WI

Allotments for gardeners
The Parish Council owns the freehold of the Allotment Field at the western end of Corner Lane. Allotments are for the use of Horsford residents only.
The Council also has a short term lease on Church Field (to the East of Holt Road) where there are a small number of allotments and the remainder is let for grazing and flower cultivation.
Allotments are for the use of Horsford residents only.
If you would like an allotment then contact the Parish Clerk, Anne Panella, on 07792865144 or email horsfordpc@gmail.com