Village Hall
The Village Hall is run independently from the Parish Council by the Horsford Village Hall Management Committee.
If you have any queries or wish to make a booking please contact the Management Committee Secretary,
Louisa Stannett, telephone 07821 649545. Below is the link to make look at availability of the Hall

The Parish Council owns the freehold of the Allotment Field at the western end of Corner Lane. Allotments are for the use of Horsford residents only.
The Council also has a short term lease on Church Field (to the East of Holt Road) where there are a small number of allotments and the remainder is let for grazing and flower cultivation.
The Parish Council is in the process of setting up and allotments tenants committee, comprising of representatives from both sites.
This space will be used for communications from the Parish Council to the allotment holders on all issues pertaining to both areas of Allotments. If any Allotment Tenant wishes to contact the Parish Council please email the Clerk at horsfordpc@gmail.com
Village Hall
Situated on Holt Road in the centre of the village it's the perfect venue for any private function, suitable for weddings and parties. There is a large hall with disco lights above the dance area with a kitchen, licensed bar, a stage and ample parking. For more details and rates please call the Secretary, Louisa, on 07821 649545 or email: hvhmcsecretary@gmail.com
Church Room
This facility is owned and run by the Horsford Church Room committee
Bookings: 891433
Methodist Church
This hall is also let to village organisations
Secretary: 897089
This was extended a few years ago to incorporate part of Church Field. It is administered by All Saints Church and
all enquiries should be directed to the Vicar 893108
Play Area​
The large play area to the rear of the Village Hall is administered by the Horsford Village Hall Management Committee​
Mobile Library
Norfolk County Council provide a mobile library service; the timetable is published on the Norfolk County Council website but is subject to change at short notice during Lockdown and Tiered restrictions.